Hello everyone,
The Biden administration has forgiven 10 - 20k in student loan debt for many people. Millions of Americans will have their debts reduced. This reduction should free them from the burden of being responsible for the decisions they’ve made.
We can ignore this move’s economic stupidity and political bribery to focus on the most significant issue: individuals will not learn. People who make poor financial decisions will continue to make poor decisions if their actions are freely and easily forgiven.
That’s the central horror here. Do you think the people who had loans forgiven will now save money, live frugally, and be responsible? Of course not. They won’t change a single behavior. They will live as stupidly as they did when they were 18.
And people will roll their eyes at my finger-wagging, but you must understand the core issue: individuals will not change. Poor decisions are crucial because they teach us either through observation or experience. When we see how badly life becomes after irresponsibility, we aim to be less irresponsible so we aren’t as foolish as we once were.
But loan forgiveness, like every other government program, prevents the average individual from learning. There is no incentive. Thus, they will continue to make the same poor decisions. And it’s not like the predatory college loan system is being retired: it’s still there and will prey on people.
So, as always, with collectivist and governmental “solutions,” we have solved nothing. People will have a brief relief, and I am pleased about that. But they will not understand what mistakes they’ve made. Thus, they will make them repeatedly until they die or our society collapses.
As always, I chose a different path. Improve yourself outside of the system and never be disappointed when it fails to help you or those truly in need.
Stay safe, practice virtue, and Become An Individual.
Home Workout Fitness
Exercising is not easy. However, Home Workout Fitness does make it manageable.
This app provides an assortment of “home workouts” you perform without weights or equipment. Furthermore, the app tracks your progress, and offers video walkthroughs and suggestions for your next workout.
Admittedly, I have replaced this app with Fitbod because I’ve made time to go to the gym. However, this is the perfect app if you’re strapped for time or aren’t comfortable going to the gym just yet.
Momma’s Old School Burgers: The Best Diner In Purgatory
Are you looking for quality stories? Momma’s Old School Burger is about the best diner in purgatory and the people who visit and work there.
I’m happy to announce that Momma’s Old School Burgers will post twice a week, Monday and Thursday.
I’ve cleared my schedule and reduced enough vices to earn the time back. And with that time, I want to take this comic more seriously by investing resources into growing the audience.
Therefore, I will keep the same long-form format and continue working on improving my art.