Hello All,
The local private energy corporation has failed to plan for the summer heat in my area. Their solution? Shut down power for thousands of people in the city.
Emergencies happen, but this isn’t an emergency. This semi-private, governmental corporation did not plan for increased power usage or the damage caused by heat.
People are suffering in blistering weather, their food has spoiled, and this company has no plans to compensate anyone. And why should it? It isn’t responsible to the people and its close connection with the govenrment means those in the company will not be punished.
You can’t plan for everything. But you must remember that the government does not care about you. The people within it see you as taxpayers, and that’s all. Occasionally they will help you but only arbitrarily in the most insignificant ways.
Your response? Become an Individual. Accept that government will not protect you from criminals, it will not protect you from power outages, and it will not protect you from homelessness or starvation. Once you let go of the fantasy of the government caring, you can reorient yourself towards personal happiness, virtue, and communal engagement.
Break Free From The Idea That Those In Power Care
You Must Think Beyond Eighth Grade Civics - Breaking free of a helplessness mindset starts with accepting that you were lied to. Your understanding of the world, shaped by your 8th-grade civics course, was a lie: politicians are not here to serve you, the system is not fair and just, and you cannot depend on it for anything. Once you break free of this thinking, you can move towards individualism.
The Chasm of Despair - When removing yourself from past addictions, it’s essential to understand the pain that awaits. The chasm of despair is the abyss between where your old self dies and your new self is waiting. Losing faith in the government is a mental blow that is hard to recover from. But when you do recuperate, you’ll be on the other end, celebrating your self-sufficiency.
The Ruling Classes, Mobs, and Elites Do Not Want You Strong - Anger is a fantastic tool to help you push forward. For me, recognizing that people want me dependent, lost, and pathetic pisses me off. Thus, I keep this in mind. Those in power want you twiddling your thumbs while your food spoils and your power burns out. Become independent, and you do not have to suffer.
Cheat Sheet on How To Become Independent
One crucial step to independence from the system is knowledge. The more you know, the more you can do and the less you need to rely on the ruling classes to provide sustenance or bail you out when they break something.
Here are a few articles that detail ways to become independent:
Momma’s Old School Burgers: The Best Diner In Purgatory
Are you looking for quality stories? Momma’s Old School Burger is about the best diner in purgatory and the people who visit and work there.
MOSB is a story where characters explore love, faith, friendship, and life after death. Through this story, I want to give you hope about your life and the meaning you can give it.